The primary goal of Potential Future Exposure (PFE) Simulation is to generate future scenarios for correlated risk factors (RF). These scenarios are fed into pricers to estimate future trade-level PFE exposure across 75 pricing horizons. The results are then passed on to aggregation, where the full PFE distribution is computed at 38 time horizons at the counterparty (C/P) level. This process also accounts for netting and collateral. Following flow chart displays the flow for backtesting of exposure and risk factor simulated data.

Key steps

  1. Identify primary risk factors: Select the key RFs with historical data for the trades. For example, in interest rate options, the RFs are discount rate curves, forecast curves, and rate volatilities.

  2. Primary vs. Secondary Risk Factors:
    • Primary risk factors: Use correlated random numbers as input and leverage Front office (FO) desk models for valuation.
    • Secondary risk factors: Employ approximations where necessary.
  3. Simulate stochastic process: Choose reasonable dynamics to simulate stochastic processes. For example: rates curve follows a vasicek process rate volatility follows exponential vasicek.

  4. Model Calibration: Calibrate the models with proper correlation among RFs. Example: When market conditions suggested that interest rates could turn negative the rate curve dynamics was adjusted to the exponential vasicek model.

Pre-simulation steps

Data Collection: Gather all necessary data for RF Simulation. This includes calibration data and market data, fetched from respective databases.

Risk Factor modelling choices

a. Interest Rate (IR) Simulation:

  • Simple model: 1 factor Hull-White model.

    Markovian (no memory)
    Closed form solutions of discount factors, cap, floor and swaption pricing.

  • Advanced Model : SABR model which is complex but can calibrate to the entire volatility surface, including skew.
  • Other options:
    Gaussian one factor model : G1++
    Gaussian two factor model: G2++
    Quadratic Gaussian Model

b. FX Simulation:
Geometric brownian motion(GBM)
Local Volatility/ stochastic volatility models

c. Commodity RF simulation: RFs are categorised as primary and secondary. The secondary RFs are a linear transformation of the primary RFs. Perform PCA to identify key RFs, as commodities typically rely on PCA to capture the At-the-Money(ATM) volatility term structure. A shifted log-normal model is used to capture the vol-term structure, calibrated to ATM.

d. Equity Simulation: GBM with local volatility. Shifted log-normal model is the simplest model to incorporate skew into equity simulation.

Risk Factor data flow

Simulation Risk Factor data flow

Some important papers

  1. Glasserman, P., Heidelberger, P., & Shahabuddin, P. (2004). Variance Reduction Techniques for Simulating Value-at-Risk
  2. A Guide to Modeling Counterparty Credit Risk - Steven H Zhu